Seashore paspalum

Casey Reynolds, PhD
Seashore paspalumLatin Name: Paspalum vaginatum Sw.

Seashore paspalum Areas of Adaptation
Seashore paspalum Areas of Adaptation

Growth Habit: Rhizomatous and Stoloniferous

Vernation: Folded

Leaf: Scattered hairs may be present on upper and lower surface

Ligule: Short, membranous

Auricles: Absent

Inflorescence: Panicle with 1 to many spike-like terminal, paired branches. Occasionally a third spike-like branch sometimes below the paired branches.

Description: Seashore paspalum is a warm-season turfgrass that spreads laterally by rhizomes and stolons and is very similar to bermudagrass in its appearance and performance. It is most commonly used in areas where salinity is a concern due to proximity to the coast or poor-quality ground water. Relative to bermudagrass, it has higher shade tolerance and less cold tolerance. As a result of its lack of cold tolerance, its use is typically confined to the southern most parts of the country, including south Texas. 

Strengths: Salinity tolerance, shade tolerance, and traffic tolerance.

Weaknesses: Cold tolerance and high disease potential 

Recommended Mowing Height: Home Lawns: 1-2 inches (Rotary mower); Golf and Athletic Turf: 0.75 to 1 inch (Reel mower); Putting Greens: ≤ 0.150 inches (Reel mower).

Recommended Mowing Frequency: Home Lawns: Weekly using a rotary mower; Golf and Athletic Turf: Daily to weekly using a rotary or reel mower; Putting Greens: Daily using a reel mower. 

Fertilization Requirements: 2 to 4 lbs N per 1,000 ft2 per year. Single application rates should range from 0.5 to 1 lb of N per 1,000 ft2 applied during the summer growing season.

Table 4. Available Seashore paspalum Varieties in Texas
Variety Latin Name Availability
Aloha Paspalum vaginatum Sw. Sod
Platinum TE Paspalum vaginatum Sw. Sod
SeaDwarf Paspalum vaginatum Sw. Sod
SeaIsle Paspalum vaginatum Sw. Sod
Seaspray Paspalum vaginatum Sw. Seed